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An Intro

Hi! My name's oliver, ( He/Him/They/Them ) and here's my small introduction!

So, I started drawing when I was about six or seven, from my mom teaching me how to draw an eye. sure, they weren't the best, but everyone starts somewhere.

Eventually I started watching and downloading apps on how to draw undertale characters, Pokemon, etc. And that's when I was starting to get good at art. I started making my own character's, and joining amino art communities. I'm pretty sure the first one I joined was the furry amino actually.

I'd post a lot on amino, and got a ton of positive attention, and even made friends along the way too!


Fast forward a year later, in late November/December of 2018. I joined tik tok.

I made some goofy things here and there, had a small following, and every now and then I would post art. Those where the ones who got the most attention and likes.

A bit later and I learned I had gotten locked out of the account for an unknown reason, the only way to get back on was to make a brand spankin' new account.

and that's exactly what I did. HESITANTLY.

and bing bang boom, my page blew up after my first post.


and here I am now! thanks for reading my dumb blog uwu

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